Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Week of 6/27

Nothing too interesting from this past week of training.  It marks the 4th week of training with a coach and now I only have 17 weeks (or about 119 days) from this past Saturday to get myself into shape for the race.  I spent the majority of my training in KY where it is a bit more flat but the humidity was like training underwater the entire time.  I really enjoy riding back home.  I get to see family and spend time out on the roads I grew up around.  Plus, there’s nothing like doing hard workouts around power plants emitting pollution in the air (seriously, they find it more economical to pay the fines than to install the appropriate equipment/scrubbers to reduce pollution).  The sulfuric air is sure to make my lungs stronger.  I also enjoy the compliments I receive, names I get called, and the horn honking I receive on KY roads.  I guess they’re not as used to a 30 yr old man with shaved legs who is wearing spandex as he rides his bike in what looks like a laying down/humping position as Nashville folks are huh?  LOL.   Anyway, I had a lot of fun being around family for the 5 days we spent there. 

Swimming was typical.  Nothing really new other than things are kinda clicking.  Notice, I didn’t say I’m fast… it’s just clicking on occasion.  I didn’t get to do my open water swim as there really isn’t a good source for that.  The picture here shows a lovely river with clouds reflecting upon it, but the mighty green river looked more like chunky mud stew in person.  It was TOOOO nasty.  Plus, they actually catch catfish out of it that weigh more than I do. 

I topped out over 200 miles on the bike this week while staying within the HRs and allotted time that Bruce prescribed.  Even with the humidity, it felt good riding in KY.  I hope the race course is more like KY than TN because I was able to easily ride at near 22mph in Zone 2.  Now, could I run a marathon after that?  Probably not, but I have time to work on that. 

Running was also good this past week.  I think I got close to 35 miles or so.  I had some good track work and tempo efforts mixed in which kept it interesting.  My long runs are still rather short (12 miles or less) but again, we have 17 weeks to start building up.  Besides, I’m not sure I could have taken much more of the heat/humidity this past Sunday.  You ever ran 12 miles in the pool?  That’s how thick the humidity was.

I did something new this week.  Bruce had me do an easy 60 min ride after my long run.  Let me tell you… I did NOT want to change into bike gear after cranking out a 90 min run… I wanted a cold shower.  Anyway, I chugged about 160 ounces of liquid (seriously, two 80 ounce bottles), changed, and got on my bike.  After 10 mins, it felt good.  After 30 mins, even better.  I didn’t want to stop.  I got about 20 miles in over 65 mins or so and my legs felt great the rest of the day.  Still a little tired the next day from everything, but the soreness was gone.  I hope we keep this up.  The photo to the right is me being a huge toolbag... wearing my race number as many days as possible after a race.  I know Double D appreciates it!

Well, it appears that the week coming is an active recovery week.  Boy am I ever happy to see this.  Bruce told me not to worry and that the hard work would start coming before long.  HARD WORK?  Is that not what we’ve been doing already?  I seriously doubt that I was anywhere close to being an athlete last year and I have a long ways to go this year.  I got lucky last year I guess because the training this year is completely different.  I actually think it’s yielding more per week but it is a lot smarter.  Hopefully I’ll be very prepared to race in 17 weeks.  I think I’ve said this before…. I’m not doing an ironman this year…. I’m racing this bitch! 

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