Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Last Week's Training Update

Since it’s already Wednesday, I’m a little late updating on last week’s training.  Other than racing my first triathlon of the year, there really wasn’t anything spectacular going on.  My coach was making me train right thru the Old Hickory Lake Triathlon (race report posted somewhere below), so I was focused HARD on recovery after everything.  Even though I always focus on recovery, I was extra taking naps, taking ice/hot baths, massage, rolling, drinking/eating perfectly, etc. all to make myself as fresh as possible for Saturday’s race.  I’m hoping that some of that extra recovery attention trickles over into future weeks, too.
Last week was my 3rd week training under a coach and I really like it.  It’s a new goal for me to do exactly what he says.  It’s keeping my training interesting.  It’s keeping me from wondering if I’m going the right thing.  It’s also allowed me to focus on training when it’s time to train and then focus on family, work, life and other things when I’m not training.

I’m really working hard on my swimming.  I know it’s not a lot to some people, but I’m swimming about 12,000 yards a week right now (split between pool and open water).  That’s a lot considering up until 3 weeks ago I hadn’t swum since August 2010.  I will admit, I get pretty  sick of the laps when I hit the 3,000 yard mark but I keep knocking the training out until I’ve hit whatever Bruce has told me to do.  I’m hitting my paces, my rest, everything.  Sometimes it’s killing me to do it and other times it feels so good.  Hopefully over the next several weeks/months, it’ll always feel good.  Overall, I love this challenge.

Gosh, only 18 weeks left from his past Saturday until Ironman.  Let’s be honest, I could do Ironman this weekend if I had too.  In fact, I’m so jealous of my friend Patrick who raced Coeur D’ Alene this past weekend; I really wish I could have been there to race with him.  Anyway, 18 weeks.  I think we start specific IM training 10-12 weeks out, so I’ve got a solid month left of continuing to build endurance and whatever else Bruce decides to surprise me with. 

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