Friday, June 3, 2011

Welcome Back to my Blog

So, after getting drilled by some friends, I’m gonna start keeping this updated. Lot’s has happened since my last post. I managed to ride my bike a little bit. I’ve managed to run a few times. I haven’t managed to swim yet. I lost a little bit of weight. I’m on the lookout for a Coach.

I’ve renamed the blog. “Going Long” was stupid… “Going Smart” may have been better. A good friend of mine gave me a nickname having something to do with a Labrador. He said I just like to go out and have fun; I’m always happy, I run off but always come back, and typically have way too much energy. So, there you have it. This will now track a Labrador’s story. I thought Labs could swim?

Not much else to say right now. I’m taking it easy this week. I might gear up with something serious next week. I have several friends racing this weekend who I know will do great. I have a couple friends about to ride across the country. I couldn’t imagine doing that. They are incredible.

Well, that’s it for now. I’m going to go swim. I might swim a whole bunch. Keep your eyes out for routine post going forward. I won’t disappoint.

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