Monday, June 6, 2011

McCain Tenn

This past week was pretty easy and full of recovery. However, even with training only 3 out of 7 days, I managed to cover 130 on the bike and nearly 30 running. But, this past week was not about me. It was about all my friends who were racing on Saturday. I’m glad I did not race; I’d hate to compete against all those fine athletes….which leads me to me next thought.

Rusty McCain. I believe Mach Tenn has been around for 29 yrs. I know Rusty has raced it for 28 yrs (missing one to race in Hawaii, which is probably excusable). Rusty was doing this race back when “transition didn’t have carpet back in 1983.” For that reason, and because his son Lucas and friend of mine destroyed the course with a screaming 8th overall, Mach Tenn will be renamed McCain Tenn…in my mind anyway. Go MaCains.

I know I’m gonna leave someone off, but all my friends raced well. Duane ran like a machine and he won an award, JJ’s swim improved incredibly and he destroyed the bike, Rob Allison came in 6th in his age group (having changed a flat), Troy Dover had to set a PR, Mark Miller placed in his age group with a swim beyond my comprehension, K-WOW (Special K, or Kristine) had a wicked bike leg with a minimalist approach to training, Janet (pres of BEAT which I must join) had a great race, Jamie Fohl completed his first tri (with still a better swim that I could ever crank out), Howard raced like a wild man, and where the hell did Heather Livingston come from? 2nd Female overall? She must be training with the Hopfenspergers. I know I’ve left someone out in my rush to type this up before a meeting this morning at work. I apologize.

Anyway, McCain Tenn was fun to cheer. Coming to support my friends is something I haven’t done a lot of the past few years but I intend on doing a lot more of it. Cheering on your friends might be as much fun as actually racing. It’s great to see people out there racing. I love it.

I’m not sure what I have planned for this week. Looks like I’ll be staying in an “easy” recovery week for a few more days. I’m really trying to soak up all the good training I’ve had so far this year. I do know that I’ll be swimming a LOT, maybe twice a day.

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