Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Blog about Blogs

Not sure if anyone actually cares, but I wanted to do a post of blogs that I keep up with. These are mainly friends that keep me motivated and are definitely more insane than I am.

First, you’ve got my man crush, Rusty McCain. I’ve been a little Rusty heavy on my post lately but that is because Rusty has had several things going on right now. Follow him and his partner in crime, Ray "Razor" Ashworth", as they rides bikes across America from 6/6/11 to 7/30/11. http://rustymccain.wordpress.com/

Second, Trace Bikes Race Team. Everyone on this team is important to me, but without a few key individuals (you know who you are, and in fact, some of you aren’t on the team), I wouldn’t be a decent bike rider. These guys are top notch. Scott Turner would do anything for anyone… and if you don’t have a bike, he might help you too (kidding, he’d help anyone). Get all your bike needs from Scott. http://www.tracebikesraceteam.com/ and http://www.tracebikes.com/

Next, you’ve got the guy that made me a fast runner and taught me how to drop weight. Johnny Pryor put the hurt on me during 2010. I remember doing one crazy workout late last fall. 14x800s @ 2:45. May not be fast to some, but that’s a LONG speed session for me. Johnny took me from a wannabe runner to a real runner. He managed to squeeze 4 sub 1:30 half marathons out of me last year. I’m not the fastest, there’s always a person faster, ALWAYS. I’m just better now because of him. http://www.johnnypryor.blogspot.com/

This next one has nothing to do with training but everything to do with adventure. Bryan and Jennifer Meurer might be the bravest people I know. They packed up everything they had, dog and all, and moved to Alaska so that Bryan could learn how to be a CFO. Jennifer was pregnant, they had nowhere to live, they still owned a house here, but they went anyway. And talk about building up a pain threshold (as one does for endurance events), Jennifer must have the highest pain threshold of anyone… heck, she puts up with Bryan (well, Kiki might have good pain tolerance, too). Trust me, this blog is funny. http://southerninalaska.blogspot.com/

There are two guys I know in town that don’t know when to stop running. I met one on the bike and met the other during one of my sub 1:30 halfs last yr. Ashly Dewberry and Jayden Stevens are nuts. They are both training for a 100 mile ultra run. They top out around 100 miles a week running. Most people can’t do that on a bike. These guys probably don’t realize the impact they have on my motivation. Ashly says things like, “Work hard and suffer now and live like a champion later”. Reminds me of John D. Minton…. “the more you hurt now the less you suffer in a race”… something like that. Ahsly http://ashlydewberry.blogspot.com/ Jaydn http://jadynstevens.blogspot.com/

Last by not least, there’s Patrick Allen. I think Patrick and I adopted each other last year. Patrick had Ironman experience and was in the process of building up his coaching resume’ and knowledge. Well, I’m sure I drove him nuts as I was his high maintenance client (that didn’t pay). I don’t think a day went buy during tri season 2010 that I didn’t send him a question. A good bit of what I know came from him. He is a racing machine that never stops. I’ve never seen anyone be more dedicated to the sport than Patrick. Thanks for everything bud. http://tripikapp.blogspot.com/

So, there’s many others out there that I keep up with from time to time, but these are the ones I check up on regularly. Maybe I’ll figure out how to add them as links on this blog.

1 comment:

  1. Ha! Thanks for the shout out. I'm glad I've managed to help you over the years. In return, you've been my "fast friend;" everybody needs one...
